Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cooking and travel

Mikey cooked us dinner on Saturday--we had "hamburger helper" philly beef strogonoff. It was delicious. On Sunday we traveled up to Jacksonville to visit Rachel (Scott's daughter) who is in the Navy and getting deployed soon. We went over to Jacksonville Beach and ate at Joe's Crab Shack--a quite famous area restaurant on the beach. Its Spring Break, so the beach was pretty chaotic even though it was windy and cold (for Florida). While driving we played some memory games, guess games like "I'm thinking of an animal that starts with the letter A". Mikey would have us guessing and guessing until we gave up and then he would say "I dont remember" when we asked what his animal was. It was hilarious, and he thought so too. Sunday night Brian came to town and we stayed up late watching old videos of the boys when they were maybe 5 and 2. We laughed sooooo much. Yesterday he had speech therapy and occupational therapy. I picked up Morgan from school so all 3 kids went for these appointments. Its rare that the three kids are all together..........The occupational therapist suggests that Mikey carry a pocket planner to write things down, like where he goes, what he does, etc..... We played Battleship, and Mikey and his therapist beat Brian/Morgan's team. We are told that his benefits for outpatient therapy are almost exhausted for this policy year. I am going to check to see if we can resume in June when a new policy year begins again. In the meantime we are paying close attention to what they do in therapy, and how they do it, so we can do the same at home. I think its fairly intuitive things, like playing board games, word games, and we already do that.

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