Thursday, December 3, 2009

Therapy and more therapy

Mikey had a busy first day in rehab. Breakfast first, then a meeting with the neuropsychologist, next was physical therapy(PT), occupational therapy(OT), speech therapy, then lunch. Then PT, OT, and speech again. The PT tried a walker, but since his left side is stronger than his right side he was going in circles. He initiated several steps, and can "scoot" himself upright in his chair. He asked me "what did you guys do to my arm?" when I was massaging his shoulders. He still curses when people are messing with him. He was saying something, and I thought he was saying his name, but it turns out he was trying to read a sign over his bed that said "mechanical diet" then he said "there are about a hundred things there", meaning lots of words on the sign. I was visiting in between therapy sessions. By 3:15 he was conked out , no doubt tired from all the therapy. Yesterday he said "whats up Dad?" when Tommy walked into the room. :) He says hi to people when they come into his room, and when the OT asked if he remembered her, he said "I think so.". I am thrilled with his steady progress and this new place is awesome. Gina (my friend) has a brother who is his nurse, and Heather (another friend of mine) was helping the OT. For now, all the therapy is taking place in his room to keep stimulation/noise down. After a while they plan on doing more therapy in the "gym" or the "day room". Tomorrow Morgan and I are going over to visit. Jake and Olivia (cousins--my sister Jennifer's children) sent Mikey a package with cards, which I will deliver along with more street clothes.

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