Monday, November 23, 2009

I was wrong. When I went to the hospital yesterday before I left I was assured that after 8 hours Mikey would be getting nutrition through his PEG. This morning, not knowing that Brian had been up there and raising the roof, I called and asked how his feeding went, they said he HADNT been fed, that they were waiting for a dietician. I told the nurse that this was completely unacceptable, that he hadnt had any nutrition since the NG tube came out (Mikey did it again), and that if they were not going to feed him via PEG then they needed to get him something via TPN. I told her how we have all noticed a regression in his interaction, eye contact etc...Then she tells me that the PICC line is blocked and heparin is contrainicated in head injury patients. I asked her to talk with the doctor who was reviewing the chart and call me, or get something going, however it needed to be done. That was at 9 am. By 11 when I called they said they had started feeding him through the PEG. I just was up there,(1pm) and its like someone flipped a switch. Mikey looks bright eyed, he is talking much much more, making GREAT eye contact, listening etc........ We looked at a motorcycle magazine together and took turns talking. He still struggles to find the words, and I assured him that I understood that it must be frustrating and scary for him but I am sure that he is get better, one day at a time. I have to remember, bad days and good days--I remain grateful that we have ANY days with him. I told him I loved him, and he said love you (a little slurred but I know what he said). More later. xoxoxoxo Les

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