Sunday, November 29, 2009

more liquids for Mikey

Mikey continues to improve. Thanks to visitors Justin, Tristo, Alex, Todd/Ginger, Dan, Laura and those I missed. He devoured a Strawberry milkshake yesterday, and today we tried a Starbucks strawberry/banana smoothie. The nurses said he was tired today because he was up most of the night singing (don't ask what song because I have never heard this song, but Mikey sounds like he is imitating the guitar riffs). Vinnie came yesterday and helped me get Mikey to the park for some sunshine, then we went to the cafeteria for a Mountain Dew. According to the nurses, Mikey will only be fed through the tube at night, and during the daytime he will continue to get "full liquids" which includes soups, puddings, icecream, sherbert, tea, milk/milkshakes, etc.....I finally took a picture of Mikey that I will share but its still in my camera. I promise I will upload it sometime this week. Its really the first picture that he would approve of. Our hope is that this week he will be headed to rehabilitation at . We have 21 days approved through our health insurance. Until next time, Les/Momma

1 comment:

  1. Hey, for those of us at a distance, when he moves to rehab, let us have a mailing address. Can't hurt to get cards, letters, etc!

    Beth Durand, friend of Tom's family since all of us were toddlers
